BroDB: The Bro Database

What's the Deal, Bro?

Welcome to BroDB, the database that's got your back like a true bro! Written from scratch in Go (because real bros don't need no third-party libraries). Inspired by Barney from TV series HIMYM.

Check Out My GitHub

Features 😎

Getting Started: Time to Crush It!

  1. Clone this repo
  2. Build it
  3. Run it (./brodb dbfile_name)

Bro Query Language: Speak Bro, Query Bro

Create a Table

BRO, LET'S BUILD THIS PLAYBOOK pickup_lines (id INT,the_line TEXT,success_rate INT);

Set the primary_key using:

BRO, LET'S BUILD THIS PLAYBOOK pickup_lines (id INT,the_line TEXT,success_rate INT) id PRIMARY_KEY;

Insert Data

BRO, SLAM THIS INTO pickup_line (id,the_line,success_rate) THIS CRAZY SHIT (7,"Sup, hottie?",89);

Select Data

BRO, SHOW ME ALL FROM pickup_lines;

Or get specific, bro:

BRO, SHOW ME (id , the_line) FROM pickup_lines WHERE id = 7 and the_line="Sup, hottie?";

Delete Data

BRO, DITCH THIS CRAP FROM pickup_lines where id =7;



Contributing: Become a Bro-veloper

  1. Fork it (like you fork your bicep curls)
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b feature/AmazingBroFeature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -m 'Add some AmazingBroFeature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin feature/AmazingBroFeature)
  5. Open a Pull Request (and flex on them code reviewers)